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It's All About Proprietary Materials

These days, there are a lot of STEM education franchises to choose from. Why is it important to have unique and proprietary materials?

Well, let's take a look at some issues that arise with our competitors that use open source software and off the shelf robotics hardware like LEGO's.

1. Many schools are currently using LEGO robotics hardware, as well as a multitude of competitor STEM franchises. This means that our competitor franchisees will face questions like "My kid already does LEGO robotics or Scratch in school, why do I have to pay you guys to do the same exact thing?"

With our competitors, all you really get access to with their systems are their brand name and operations. The programs are nothing unique which means that anyone who uses LEGO or uses Scratch (basically everyone) is considered a competitor. Talk about competition!

2. Unlike some of our coding education franchise competitors, RoboThink is the ONLY franchise to also develop and use our own proprietary coding software. What does this mean? Our franchisees don't face questions from parents saying, "well, I can find Minecraft or Scratch online for free, why is my son/daughter doing the same thing I'm paying you guys for?"

As a franchisee owner, and as a general rule of thumb for business, it's important to have a competitive advantage. RoboThink's unique hardware and software is the competitive advantage that no others can replicate!

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